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Spirit of Jefferson Farmers Advocate
Charles Town, West Virginia
May 2, 1968     Spirit of Jefferson Farmers Advocate
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May 2, 1968
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SECTIONS PAGES OF News .- Photos Sports -- Ads READ THE Chssified Ads FIND MANY THINGS You Want And Need II NO. 18 ul the April term of Court of Jefferson very light this only two cases civil cases, were COurt, one of them time the jury was in the case. of Doris C. Wel- W. Mahoney Was settled between and Tues- as the petit to hear evi- :ivil suit of Jeffer- versus Wager George E. Pen- Business-News Dept. - Dial 725-2046 "ty Sp-4 JeT Lee 6rim Wounded For Second Time in Vietnam Action or 2047 CHARLES TOWN, (Jefferson County), W. VA. THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1968 John Slinkman Injured In Highway Accident Early This Morning John H. Slinkman, 58, of Route 1, Charles Town, sustained head injuries and was hospitalized at the Charles Town General Hos- pital, about 1:40 this morning (Thursday) following a one-car highway accident on State Route 9, South of Charles Town. Two employees, with a eom- the United States Army, he re- bined total of 50 years of service with United States Steel's East- ern IAmestone Operations Moler Plant, have been honored this month for their long service with the Corporation. James R. Conard, a welder, and Dearl A. Grove, Jr a truck turned to the Moler Plant in Nov ember, 1945. He and his wife, Isabelle, are active in the Methodist Church. They have one daughter, Faye Conard Heffner. The Conards re- side in Harpers Ferry, W. Va. West Virginia's Oldest Newspaper 1 Charles Town State 4 rooper John Napier said Slinkman lost the control of the 1962 Chevro- let he was driving South on the highway, it left the road and rolled over. Slinkman was charged with drunken driving, Trooper Napier ;aid. driver, received their 25-year serv Dearl A. Grove was born in ice award pins from W. Carl Ben- Silver Grove, W. Va. He and his ton, plant superintendent wife, Genevieve are members of Mr. Conard, a native of Loud- the Silver Grove Methodist Chur- oun County, Virginia, started with ch and make their home in Harp- the former Pittsburgh Limestone ers Ferry. The couple has two Company in 1942. Following al- children, Alvin B. and Patsy Jean most three years of service with Evrhardt, also of Harpers Ferry. [To Be Held Plans are now being made by I I PRICE - 10 CENTS I i iiii +, ,It was just one year ago that I Charles Waldron (Cop) Shipley,~, one of the county and area's most prominent educators, who had served as teacher and principal at the Harpers Ferry elementary school for some 34 years, died unexpectedly. And he was held in such high esteem by his stu- dents and faculty members that shorty after his death a move was initiated by them to have the name of the school he served so tong, changed and named in his hour. The Board of Education approved this change and Sunday the con- and one com- records show former Mar- they have Rob- El[z- was mar- Sunny and warmer today with high 68-to 74. Clear and not as cool tonight with the low in the 40s. Friday increasing cloudiness and warm with chance of after- noon or evening showers highest in the 70s. Outlook for Saturday fair and mild. Mostly Northerly winds 10 MPH or less today be- coming variable to calm this even Ing. Southerly winds around 10 Friday. II.O O -- :) O o4mm~()41B ko~()~o~()~o~(~ munity has survived many trials and tribulations and is still look- ing forward to making history. Members of the congregation re- port that many dear friends and relatives oI the pi'esent church congr:-~ation pl~nned and worked with the ct, urch to make past history. In addition to the guest speak- er for the Sunday service there will also be special music and church anniversary committee re- ports. The public is invited to attend this special event. DR. JAMES H. PYKE Miss Linda Bradley was crown- ed Miss Charles Town - Ranson, Friday evening April 26 at the Charles Town Junior High School by Miss Mary Paul Marshall, 1967 Miss Charles ToWn - Ranson, be- fore a capacity crowd. Miss Bradley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley, Lee- town. The Queen of Charm was sponsored by the Band Booster Chub with thirty one girls particip at[rig in the contest. Queen Linda and the four run- ners-up named to make up her court are as shown above: (left to right) - Paula Benton, fourth runner-up; Linda Fike, third run her-up. Queen Linda( seated in front) Mar|ha So[bert, second run ner-up and Kay Jackson, first runner-up. les Town Senior High School; a rock and roll band, "The Neopoli- tans" and a comedy act by Char- les Tayer. Escorts were Ronnie Corse, Dennis Kirk, Ralph Rickel, Joe Snyder and Rodney White. Joe Clark, gymnastic exhibition by the Gymnastic Club of the Char. High School. Entertainment be- tween eliminations was provided by Martha Coffin, Flute solo; Tru- mpet solo by Ronnie Corse both were accompanied by Miss Beppie Organ music was provided by Bob Perks, senior at Charles Town Judges were Mrs. Floyd Odom, Martinsburg; Mr. Julian Armel, Winchester, Va and Prof. Elbert Morton from Shepherd College. Mr. Charles Tayer, Martinsburg, W. Va was Master of Ceremonies a prize for collecting the most money ID her box for the benefit of the Band. Lumber Co J. E. Magaha Applia- nce, Leggetts Department Store, L J. Newberry Co. and M. T. trider Company for material used onthe stage. Patricia Ingrain was awarded ies Apparel. Flowers for the ")seen were donated by Van Tel 'lorist, flowers for the Band Boosters President, organist and "{aster of Ceremonies donated by qheetz Florist. A special thanks to Whitmore Snyder modeled the future Char- les Town Senior High School Band uniform. Gifts were donated by Leggetts and the Tiara by Diamond's Lad- professor of Religions at son Flanigan, principal. Ricky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manuel, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. with thc highest, scholastic average, will deliver the Valedictory address at Commen- cement exercises Monday, June 10, 1968. During his high school days he has been treasurer of the Freshman Class; participated in football and track; a member of the yearbook staff, Varsity Club, Science Club and National Honor Society. He was vice-president of the Honor Society, a representa. tire to boys State, and a member of the cast of the Junior Class play. Miss Viands, Salutatorian, is the daughter of Mr. and. Mrs: Charles M. Viands of Harpers Ferry, This year Susan is a Cheerleader, sec. re|cry of the Future Basiness Leaders of America, member of the National Honor Society, photo grapher for the yearbook and was named Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow. During her prev- ious years, she served as presi- dent of the Freshman Class, otreas urer of the Sophomore Class, pres ident and prom chairman of the Junior Class and a member of the cast of the Junior Class play. Ricky plans to attend West Vir- ginia University next year, and at Harpers Ferry High School, it was announced this week by Jack top scholastic honors for this year contractor, of Berryvfile, has two forces of men employed in this vicinity. One group is spraying the orchard locally known as the Marcus Orchard while the other group is cutting sodon the Drew farm owned by Dr. ti, Lang- don. to study the ballms and familiar. ize themselves with the numerous candidates to be voted on by both parties at the Tuesday, May 14th Primary Election. It would not be a bad idea to clip out these ball- ots and save for your voting con- The sample voters ballot of both the Democratic and Republi- can parties, will be found in sec- tion "C" on Page "C-4" of today's issue of The Spirit of Jefferson Advocate. Also the nompartisan ballot for the Jefferson County Board of Education is published on this same page in section "C". Voters of both parties are urged Sample Ballots For Democrats, Republicans in This Issue Edward L. Pine, prominent Charles Town banker and church ma~, of East Liberty street, has filed as a candidate for the cou- ncilmanic pest to be voted on in the May 23 Charles Town Munici- pal election. The post is now held by Dewey Ambrose, who is seek ing re-election. Pine, who is seeking election to a political office for the first time, is assistant cashier of the Peoples Bank of Charles Town, an active member of the Charles Town Asbury Methodist Church Choir and the Masonic Order. He is married and the father of three children and three grandchildren. EDWARD PINE University, M. A. Degree 4Versity; an S. T. ttarvard Divinity from N.J. to China as the Methodist and was assign Sponsored Yen- near Peking as language as secretary to )wship ar II he was in- in a con- after release t, he at the Univer- armies When con. Permitted the missionary to South- served in the and served as prin- high school. was settled. "Friends of the Charles Town afternoon, May 5, the school will ]ury trial listed on Hospital" for an Outdoor Art be formally and officially des[g- set for Tuesday May Exhibit to be held at the Charles nated as the C W. Shipley School case of Hugh K. Town General Hospital on Sunday 1 at a special Memorial and Dedi- .~rsus H. E. Crone, May 12th, from 12:00 to 6:00 p m. II,cations Service to be held on the lawn m front of the school build suit is to be heara. This is in observance of National ~1 [. ' ~ ' " , the case of State Hospital Week. p ling. ad Housden, a crim- *ill be heard and on A number of artists in the area I Mrs. Fern ttowell, who has will dis lay their Daintinzs in var- The five-day period of Friday, involved nine cars and two trucks, I been ton hln aY 9, it will be the ious mePdiUms an(1 using-different April 26 through Tuesday, April an Versus Ralph J. Bur d r tledup$Ge800.00 in personal 136 years:-and" who+l;as"ta!ken the techniques There will be includ- 30, was the most tragic and costly P pe y g . . t lea(1 m arranging tne aetueauon ty 16-17 Judge H.G. ed in the exhibit a number of on Jefferson County highways in The worst of the five accidents [ . . ' occurred about 12 10 Saturda'" tans memoriat program said this ffOorefield will hear SP/4 JERRY L GRIM pictures mane oy county scnoo some monms as one person was : Y t Pe S~rn Auto Supply. For the second time in less than children, which will be judged killed and 12 others injured to morning on State Route 9, several MRS. JOHN T. SMITH, JR. t MRS. E. HOCKENSMITH, Jr. [ week me lesuvmes wut get uncter t~"iDillardcvil suit and Mary a year Specialist Fourth Class and presentation of ribbon awards varying degrees, in. a series, of miles South of Charles Town in ,a ~ ~n+~ + n'~ ~ ~+h'~ ~,~ c"h"" ~ ~"~ ,+'~ +,~! ~,~ +-'~-,~ ]way at 1:30. witha. .Pr gram, of front of the home of Alonza S made sevenmotoringaccidents whmh x,eeb hv Gerala L h11,T fik- r I organ InUSlC beglnnln~ at 1:30. ina!,+he Jerry L. Grim, Route 1, Kearneys- Welch. It was a two-car' accident, cas ier of the Peo'Dles'Bank"of [ m an's ub ur -u-1 The music will be presented by ' ville, has been wounded in action d an ' av no:de s in the Vietnam fighting. Mrs. -- " . . . land Welch was the accident fatal- q'--m, of riocKensm,m'" n [Mrs. Owen Conklyn of Charles ty. Welch, drwer of one car and Smith - mrs w o naSlTown. t, hear,~Th ~." Jerry Grim, of Route 1, Kearneys- ~ e a " " 14111;lll|ll . t llt . t#lllllHll#llll [four passengers and the drover of T Sm++h Jr Ranson and Mrs [been employ d s a proof opera- [ The Memorial servme will foi- L vitle said she had, been notified I~lV~IVI ~l~b~l~ r the other car involved, "were all Ka, H. kensmith wif -f Ernest|tor at the bank, is the daughter|low, .beginning at 2 p. m with . r"on Y'15a iZnlu :s by the Secretary of the Army that " ' rle m injured and taken to the Cha s . the Rev. temple G. Wheeler Hockensm th, Jr Route 1, Hay - of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bragg, Route . a, ret I her husband had been wounded Ailql Ua l$nl I lllll tlff.II Town General Hospital where ers +-+r,~h-r~ks+sff P l, ,tEplscopal rector, and Mayor of eakingnen aV :r g[on March 24 and since then he llllfllL Jlllglll tgilllllll WWlal Welch died. Saturday morning " : [ . "[Harpers Ferry, presenting a ;ain I has been sent to the Valley, Forge v vvi m m about 10:50 from the injuries. Dr. lvirs. mzm, me tormer reggy |ua d from Harpers r'erry H gh [ eulogy to the late Mr. Shipley. ayn man es in vrlGeneral Hospital in Phonexville, rd the smmn who Ott of Ranson, a raduate of and the West Vw ma Ctfl Tins fl be f m m ItJ W.P. Wa en, phy " " " . g |School gi " -I " w 1 ollowed by special -' ++U-iry reacneu- " lt":-IPa's . to recuperate. . from the [14u ,hll ll tt @,|4 l tIWd ll It attended Mr. Welch, said h.e diedd Charles Town High School and|lege vf Beauty College. She has[mUsic provided by the 6th and . I wounds Specmhst. Fourth. Class. ILIIlll l llllil-' t! II Unll:[igllll. of a fracture of the skull snd]she/attended Shepherd College. lbeen employed for some time as l7th grade chorus of the Grand Ihe wrmo |Grzm was first wounded m Oct- numerous other injuries, k he ,is the daughter of Mr. and|a beautician prior to joining the|View elementary school in t[arp- ~aove~'+t'l~at~e e']aber 1967 while serving with the + Also injured in the accident Mrs. Robert L. Ott. She +and her/bank staff. Her husband is em-| ers Ferry. t ten "]25th Infantry Division near Sai- : harles 0wn"7 -e ale with BilY M'0ore and Were" Abshire of Ransom+ ,hus nd and so,Michael, 5, re-[ployed by the U S Central Ir+to]5 [ +T ea will c me the presentat- eeutino -Toh- ( I)' n' Vietnam++ aands t+ffetl " + ' " " + ' " . " l ' - G ner will take on the IE Moreland rvin voluntarily+| dri, bi-ofo e ear, who was treated s de at Belevedere Heights, Mrs. lgence Agency. Mr and Mrs, |,on of larue ml, pa,ntmgportra t dect a [ resulted from sti e "betray[ 1 al pearance of an old time country I as the sale clerks -:+ - [-.and later released from the hos- Smith, who is serving as a teller, [Hockensmith are members of the,of Mr. Shipley, by Mrs. Howell to trap and he sustained super| ca auction arena Friday afternoon] Among the top items to be] pital; Samuel J. Gilman, of South has been active in the Sunday lCharles Town Presbyterian Chur-IT. A. Lowery, Superintendent of in. ++, [ and fragment wounds to his b dy. and night and 10 a m Satur- ] auctioned off which is to be sold,Seminary street, Charles Town, School program of St. Thomas ]ch and they .are the parents of I Jefferson County Schools, who to:s 1 He was treated at the 12th Avacu bee ra n :dan l at[on Hospital and then returned day morning the cry of the auct-|is a large 15-foot custom made|Who was also treated and later Lutheran Church in Ranson, part-l two sons, Jeff age 5, and Tracey tin acceoting on behalf of the - .s . I to active duty The telegram re- ioneers will be heard loud and lshowcase, almost new, that was] relea ; Douglas Davis of the icularly the nursery Sunday 3. |School Board and the Haroers me|ms was to . " " " i t s a e t e kl Wedn IL&[ r-I cewed thin hme d d no t t h clear as the annual Charles Town[ used for a short time. It is a gift| F10 hag Springs Road, and Greg |Fer School. will then officially Hospital auction mow :, into full I of the hospital Also a kitchen/ory Grove, of George street, nar- a,ate an a ie =,designate that the name of the ,I TURN TO PAGE '8-A swin The nroject, snonsored by/bar with dot ble'sink, a small cab-/les Town, who sustained serious KI VV M;mll l Will lid V I$[Ilt*I tPI$111 [ school be henceforth known as Friends of the Hospital as a funa/inet smg e sink ann a console/ m~uz-~e~. -- L w / -- " -.: "~,":. a . " raisin-o ~nrolect~ for the hosnital, rcabinet~ television set. / Charms ToWn ~tate .Tr per kale ~" ~Mt / ~tf II m m ~@ / A puonc, aaaress system WiFl De iiI will be a real crowd drawer from/ Among the used or antique| Gary Arthur said the accident oc- Ml. g ll an vlanflg |llJlMOrlan. UT /set up in front of the school so zee currecl Oil LIM:~ U,tUW U,L O- lllll WII~:~II LIItZ~b tlt~ ~/.~.~#~4tll, ~.[- ~t ~ 1+-~ &~ early Saturday morning tutti the/ tems a batn-tuo on t[ / . I'}serve ! last article f d nated merchan'[ and in excellent c nditi n" Resi'! Welch was attempting t turn U/ [ U' --L + "'J"'&!---- 1-'-/tr m any part f the scn~l dise has been placed on the auct-Jdents having donations of any, left off the highway into a drive- narouts FUrry nmn IrdUUdlllltl ,ldb$ [ grounds that+spectators migh oe wa of home The Absh re -r occupying Mr Howell stud Mem ion block. [ kind will please call Mrs. Martin Y" ' . ] + ",: s + . Aucti(mers Paul Miller and Glaize or Mrs Ed Morgan for car came over the hill and struck /bers of the Har0ers rerry :iirz Clay Tharpe, have volunteered[ pick-up or just bring them to the the Welch car. Absh re and the i ii]i i i ii i]ii ! ::i!i iiiii i : iiiii iii i i F =outTroops, underthe dweetmn thew servzces for the crying of sale on Saturday. TURN TO P GE [ "" -, + = i i ii i !iiii ii /the Harpers Ferry - Bolivar Fire ~ ~ ' ~ > ~" ":!~? :i:~ " 1 ~t :~:~ + ~!~ ~ ~i:':~ ~,~ De artment will rovlde the +:,:: .::: : ,::.: :.:~,:+:,~, ~::+,:. ~ ~.~ ~ P,P of the Cam An I [ convenience of patrons. [] : ii!iiiii ii!i!!i!i! i!iiii !!i !i !ii! 'i!i! [ The late Mr. Shipley, a native shows that this E1 i:: [ of Shepherdstown, began his .39th year of the -- [ teaching career at the Millville xistence in the 1 iii:iiii: ii:+: ill iii:::ii:ii:!::ii! iii.:i:ii::i ilili! ii!i ii :i :!:: [ grade school in 1931 and two Ferry and the 1 ii!i !!ii! [ii!i!iiiiiii:.::: [ ears later went to the ttarpers PPropriately ob- 1 ;ii:!::! ii!i ii iii ::::: /Ferry School as a teacher where n an anniversary i ii :iii ii:il : i::i [ he served for the next 34 years, Planned for Sun- 1 iii! ii':i'i: : or until his death as a teacher or " 1 " [ principal. rvice the congre- ed Dr. James H. i: I of Missions and i!i!:;i!ii::i::i::: [[Edward s t ewe ,+y r .c, ry in Washing st speaker for COU manic Post ::: / bornmissionaryin 1915 :+ William Ricky Manuel and Su- Susan will be employed by the / early school san Diane Viands have been Central Intelligence Agency in| an A. B. De- n med as the winners of the two Washington, D C |